Ricardo’s Story
During a Business Trip to South Florida Far Away From His Home in Bogota, Colombia, Ricardo Began Experiencing Radiating Pains in His Stomach and Back. Dr. Joseph Ricotta, National Medical Director for Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy at Tenet Healthcare Performed Endovascular Repair of a Ruptured Aortic Aneurysm With Stent Graft Surgery at Delray Medical Center to Save Ricardo’s Life.
While in South Florida for a business trip, far away from my home in Bogota, Colombia, I began to experience symptoms of what I thought was diverticulitis. I went to the emergency room (ER) at a local hospital where the ER doctor and staff discovered I had an abdominal aortic aneurysm. At the time, they recommended a watchful waiting approach was best until the aneurysm reached a size where surgery was necessary. I returned to Colombia to follow-up with my doctors as well as a vascular specialist in Colombia. Five months later, I needed to travel back to Florida once again to close a business deal but not without before first having the authorization and being considered no risk at all to travel from my doctors in Colombia. I returned to South Florida and while staying at an apartment in Boca Raton with my wife, I began feeling unwell again so she recommended I go back to the ER.
I was having shooting pains along my left side radiating from my stomach to my back. Once again, the ER staff was able to rule out diverticulitis but they did find out there was a problem with my aneurysm. The ER and hospital I was at did not have a vascular specialist so they transferred me via ambulance to Delray Medical Center. I arrived there at the ER and the medical staff told me I needed to have surgery immediately. At that time, I met Dr. Joseph Ricotta, medical director of vascular surgery and endovascular surgery for Delray Medical Center and their entire hospital system. Dr. Ricotta explained to both my wife and I that immediate surgery was necessary because my aneurysm could rupture at any time.
Dr. Ricotta performed endovascular repair of a ruptured aortic aneurysm with stent graft surgery to save my life at Delray Medical Center. If I did not have this surgery in such a timely manner, I could have died. After surgery, I was quickly on the road to recovery. To this day, it is hard to believe that after this type of extensive surgery I only spent two days in the hospital. Just one month after surgery, I was in excellent condition and able to do everything I could do prior to surgery.
I am following up with appointments at Dr. Ricotta’s office every six months to monitor my health. His office staff is very accommodating and in helping, me with everything I need.
During my first visit to Dr. Ricotta’s Prime Vascular Institute office, my son come with me because he wanted to meet the man who provided the surgery that saved his father’s life. At the end of my office visit with Dr. Ricotta, my 10 year-old son got up, put out his hand and said, excuse me Dr. Ricotta I just want to shake your hand , you are my hero , you saved my Daddy’s life.
We are grateful with God as a family, for ending up in the hands of Dr. Ricotta and the care he provided to me. In Dr. Ricotta, I really feel like I ended up with the best doctor to treat my ailment. Dr. Ricotta is a kind man, and in my eyes, one of the best human beings you can find on earth.
- This testimonial reflects the experience and outcome of this patient. Actual results will vary.
For more information, click here to view Dr. Ricotta's website profile.