What Is Venous Insufficiency?

Venous insufficiency affects as many as 30 million people; however, only approximately 2 million receive treatment. When valves that keep blood flowing to your heart stop working properly, blood may flow backwards through the vein and pool in your lower leg, which can cause varicose veins and other symptoms. If this condition—called venous reflux disease or chronic venous insufficiency—is left untreated, your symptoms may worsen over time.

The Future of Vein Relief


The VenaSeal™ Closure System

  • Advanced formulated medical adhesive closes the diseased vein
  • Redirects blood flow to healthy veins, improving / relieving symptoms
  • Performed through a small needle injection in the leg during a brief office visit
  • Quick return to normal activity, including exercise

VenaSeal™ Can Reduce These Common Issues

  • Varicose veins or spider veins
  • Leg pain, aching or cramping
  • Leg or ankle swelling
  • Leg heaviness or fatigue
  • Burning, itching or restlessness of the legs
  • Skin changes or rashes
  • Ulcers, open wounds or sores

Advanced Treatment for Venous Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Venous thoracic outlet syndrome occurs when there is compression, injury or irritation of the nerves or blood vessels in the lower neck and upper chest between the collar bone and first rib. The compression of the vein leads to poor outflow of blood from the arm to the heart, which allows blood to pool in the arm and can lead to a blood clot or “deep venous thrombosis (DVT)”. This can cause arm swelling, heaviness, fatigue, pain and a bluish discoloration of the arm or hand. Physical therapy exercises are used as a first-line of treatment and in some cases, surgery may be necessary. Dr. Ricotta works with his patients, provides a full evaluation and determines which treatment option to take.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment

Another form of serious venous disease is deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or clotting of the deeper veins. DVT can cause pain, swelling, warmth, and redness in the legs, arms, abdomen and pelvis. However, it can also be present without symptoms. For patients with DVT, a blood thinner may be administered. At Tenet Florida Cardiovascular Care, we perform innovative endovascular techniques to remove blood clots from the veins. This minimally invasive procedure is performed through a tiny puncture in the skin, which allows blocked or narrowed veins to be opened through removing or dissolving the clots from inside the veins, ballooning and stenting, if necessary, and can obviate the need to be on long-term blood thinning medications.


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{{MarketGroup}} Physician
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{{physician.FirstName}} {{physician.LastName}}, {{physician.Title}}

{{PrintSpecialties(physician.Specialties, "Name")}}

{{ physician.markerId }}
{{ physician.markerId }}

{{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}

  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
  • {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(physician.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(physician.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}

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{{PhysicianDetails.FirstName}} {{PhysicianDetails.LastName}}, {{PhysicianDetails.Title}}

{{ PrintSpecialties(PhysicianDetails.Specialties, "Name")}}

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{{ addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Group")}}

  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address1")}}
  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Address2")}}
  • {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "City")}}{{VueFilterInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses,0,'State') ? ',' : '' }} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "State")}} {{addressInfo(PhysicianDetails.Addresses, 0, "Zip")}}

Languages Spoken



{{PhysicianDetails.Gender === "M" ? "Male" : "Female"}}

  • {{item.Name}}
Select Procedures Performed
  • {{item.Name}}
Select Conditions Treated
  • {{item.Name}}

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Please contact this provider's office directly to determine insurance plans accepted.

  • {{item.Payor}}
  • {{item.Name}}
  • {{item.Type == 'F' ? 'Fellowship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'M' ? 'Medical School' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'I' ? 'Internship' : ''}}{{item.Type == 'R' ? 'Residency' : ''}}: {{item.Description}}

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#ResourceNotFound: PhysicianFinderResources, Miles2#


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  • {{plocation.Address2}}
  • {{plocation.City}}{{plocation.State ? ',' : '' }} {{plocation.State}} {{plocation.Zip}}